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Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 2 Download Xbox 360 Iso


Updated: Dec 8, 2020

About This Content Following on from the success of the first Community Weapon Pack, we asked the IJC crew to think up something to match with the whole Steampunk theme for the summer event. And they rose wonderfully to the challenge. So we now have a delightful set of Steampunk-styled weapons for you - with more community modders able to earn some real dosh!Key Features:Dr T's Lead Delivery System: Referring to this as a "Steampunk Tommy Gun" would be an injustice. It is far more elegant than that and deserves better. "Doctor John T. Thomson's Lead Delivery System" sounds so much more appropriate. Commando's around the world will understand and applaud!Orca Bomb Propeller: The Demolitions experts amongst you will appreciate the glorious new Orca Bomb Propeller, designed completely with you in mind. Pops a single, delightfully explosive bomb downrange, to land at the Zeds' feet with a quite charming BOOM.Single Piston Long Musket: A Sharpshooter always appreciates fine craftsmanship - and the new Long Musket, with attached Sight Magnification and Enhancement Tube, is, indeed, fine craftsmanship. Piston-driven, bolt-action, magazine-fed Steam Musket. Superb accuracy and hitting power as well. Perfection.Multi-Chambered Zed Thrower: Last, but by no means least, we have the Zed Thrower for the Support ladies and gentlemen amongst us. Fires a fine load of buckshot at the oncoming hungry hordes and has become known as the "Zed Thrower" for its quite hilarious ability to throw the Zeds about the place as it dismembers them. b4d347fde0 Title: Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 2Genre: ActionDeveloper:Tripwire InteractivePublisher:Tripwire InteractiveFranchise:Tripwire InteractiveRelease Date: 3 Jul, 2013 Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 2 Download Xbox 360 Iso I can only just BARELY recommend this DLC, the shotgun (Multi-Chambered Zed Thrower) is terrible, don't use it, every other shotgun outshines it.The Single Piston Long Musket is a cool weapon, however if your not good with headshots, it's crap.Dr T's Lead Delivery System is fantastic with the Rising Storm tommy gun, you can have 2 Tommy guns with a lot of ammo and really good damage.The Orca Bomb Propeller is the same as the normal grenade launcher, however the projectile doesn't expolde on contact, instead it's timed, it's my favourite of the weapon pack.Not as good as the others by a long shot, but still really good.. Best weapon pack.. These weapons are decent and only improve your selection of weaponry. They are designed with a steam punk theme.The Zed Thrower is actually a Pancor Jackhammer, is fully automatic and is an okay gun. It doesn't hold much max ammo however, so pack a reliable secondary. The damage is pretty weak unless you're a high level Support and the magazine size isn't that great, but it reloads all of its shells at once. There's also sort of a weird knockback alt fire than can keep scrakes at bay for quite some time. Can serve as a poor man's AA12.The Single Pistol Long Musket is actually a very useful addition to your arsenal and serves as a stronger replacement for the Lever Action Rifle (or Winchester for veterans of the Killing Floor mod). The only thing wrong with it is the scope, which is misleading and can be very difficult to aim with. Honestly, I'm not sure why this hasn't been corrected, I'd imagine it would be a simple fix.Dr. T's LDS is a steampunk tommy gun which, according to the stat bars, sports better range than the Thompson and the Rising Storm tommy. This hasn't been tested by me because a) who uses a submachine gun at long range? and b) whatever its range is its more than within effective range at most places on most maps. It also sports a drum magazine, giving it more magazine size than the Thompson but still less than the Rising Storm tommy. The ironsight is actually pretty original and interesting, while not making it difficult to aim.Last is the Orca Bomb Propeller. Its basically the normal grenade launcher but the grenades bounce upon impact with a wall or floor, still detonating on impact with zeds. This CAN allow you to shoot around corners, but its just not very practical. Other than that, there's no real reason to choose this over the normal grenade launcher (for you level 6 demolitionists out there who spawn with the regular).May as well get it on sale, its not worth 8 dollars.. If you're leveling the commando, this pack is a must! Dr. T's Lead Delivery system kicks butt!And, hey, each weapon is only $ can afford it.. Overall 5\/5 You don't just want this DLC. You NEED it. You have to have it. You gotta have it. You MUST own it. It's THAT good.THIS IS THE GREATEST DLC WEAPONS PACK EVER CONCEIVED BY ANYONE EVER. These weapons are fun, unique, novel, BEAUTIFULLY designed, and SHINEY. I found that I spent a lot of time just marveling at the beautiful textures on the guns. Multi-Chambered Zed Thrower 2\/5A bit of a miss with this one. It is purely a gimmick gun at this point. It's quite weak, has very little ammo and therefore not practical to use in the field at all. Though it's secondary fire is a knock back with infinite ammo. I can't say the small back of pressurized air is particularly useful though.Single Piston Longmusket 6\/5This is my FAVORITE weapon on killing floor. I hated sharpshooter prior to this gun. This gun has the most satisfying headshots out of any other gun. It's sights are a bit off, as the true center of the retical is actually in the middle of the arrow, and not the tip of the arrow. This gun in the hands of a high level sharp shooter is DEVASTING. Imagine a semi automatic lever action rifle that has a higher headshot damage modifier, and reloads from a cartridge instead of individual bullets. Once trained to use it, you will feel completely broken.Doctor T's Lead Delivery System 5\/5This is my go to weapon on my level 6 comando. I sell my AK at the start to buy this gun. It has a clip of 50 on a level 6 comando, which lets you fire and never stop. It's got amazing headshot capabilities much like the bullpup, and good range as well. It has the combined long ranged headshot abilities of a bullpup but the shotgun ability of an AK-47 all wrapped up into one neat little gun.Orca Bomb Propeller 5\/5Every demo needs to have the capability of choosing this weapon. The grenades on this grenade launcher BOUNCE. Which means you can do trick shots. On narrow cornered maps you can bounce of walls to hit your targets. Hit your targets behind walls, over cover, down and around cornered stairs, you name it. This weapon is not suitable for every map, but on tight maps, you'll wish you had this gun. Every demo knows that tight maps are suicide for a demo, but a skilled orca user can use demo on any map.. Bought pack thougt orca would shoot orcas and it did not got died 15\/5. Steampunk! Its Steampunk! That is all.Steampunk\/Steampunk Get it now!!

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